
Friday 31 October 2014

Love and Relations

Love, relationship now a days these terms are very commonly used,I'm in love,I'm in a relation with xyz. With the acceptance of society for love and relationship number of love marriages and relationships in youth has increased dramatically in past few years.
But the problem here is, now a days being in a relation has become a trend, more relations a guy or girl had before marriage more smart or beautiful he or she was. now a days relationships has almost nothing to do with love what matters is how does he/she looks her/his background and economic status of the family love is kept on the least priority, sometimes we can even manage without love,which eventually results in broken hearts,drug addicts and some times suicide.
It's not like, that true love doesn't exist now a days, it does but it has become very rare as tigers in the forests of INDIA. True love is as pure as a pearl found in the depth of the ocean,it is very beautiful,adorable,priceless and yet you can have it if you are at right place with the right person. True love is not about finding a perfect person it about finding a person who best matches with you,who will laugh on your silly jokes, who can make you smile when you are sad,who'll be there by your side in your toughest time, with whom a simple vanilla ice cream is more yummy then dark fantasy cake eaten alone. Love is when even presence of his/her makes you complete, his/her happiness is your priority. Love is when you were thinking about that special person while reading above lines.
It's not like that you can not find your true love now a days, as every thing needs sacrifices for this you'll have to sacrifice your ego,paranoid nature and most importantly you'll have to come out of your comfort zone to make your partner feel good/special. True love needs effort to make him/her realize how much you love him/her and how much you care for them, accepting their flaws and forgiving their mistakes,at the same time accepting your mistake even if you are not willing to, cause your hurt ego can heal but if with this ego you do something stupid with your relation than you'll be left with nothing but regret.
If you've ever been in true love you know it gives you high more than 5 shots of walker and a roll of marijuana taken together. you can not explain this feeling but you can share and enjoy this with those who have been through this. once a person looses his high he is afraid of getting second cause he knows that the phase of with-drawls sucks! And those who haven't been exposed yet are excited to try this to feel the high on the same time afraid when see people becoming cranky after loosing their high.
so if you love some one make'em feel it.

Your views and ideas are welcomed


Javed said...

Jain, nobody can possibly have a single reason to disagree with you. You have beautifully portrayed the present trend of so-called relationships and how it has lead to the evaporation of true love from people's hearts, leaving behind only the ashes of disappointment, hatred, frustration leading to broken homes, suicides and drugs.! I hope present generation understands what you have tried to communicate.!

However, I would like to highlight certain unique phrases employed by you that are really impressive :

1. "it does but it has become very rare as tigers in the forests of INDIA" (particularly, highlighting India in capital letters was appreciable)
2. "true love is as pure as a pearl found in the depth of the ocean,it is very beautiful,adorable,priceless and yet you can have it if you are at right place with the right person."
3. Love is when you were thinking about that special person while reading above lines (this was really awesome)
4. cause your hurt ego can heal but if with this ego you do something stupid with your relation than you'll be left with nothing but regret (that was enlightening)
5. If you've ever been in true love you know it gives you high more than 5 shots of walker and a roll of marijuana taken together. (this one was simply unique)

Keep writing.

Jain vidhyarthi said...

thnk you so much brother it feels good whn you're appreciated, and those phrases were used to simplify my ideas, I'm glad u liked them.
thnx again brother :)