
Thursday 6 November 2014

GOD? or Subconscious mind?

Does GOD really exist? can we prove his existence? these questions are one of the biggest unsolved mysteries for the science. In the old times few philosopher's believed that human race created the concept of god to keep a discipline in the society, to distinguish between good or bad according to GOD/religion and GOD was someone we could look for positivity/help when we were in trouble. But this doesn't explain the "miracles" of GOD. With the advancement of science our knowledge of GOD became vast. In past few years science has tried to explain the existence of GOD and it also explains his "Miracles".

It says that GOD/Allah of a person is in his brain(Subconscious mind), it may sound weird but this is what explains this.The GOD is all powerful,yet incorruptible. This image of GOD is set in our minds from our very childhood,And it changes with the perception of the person to the world, may be that is why a person who is totally corrupt and is involved in every kind of bad activities known on the face of this earth, yet he is living happily until he himself or someone makes him realize his sins(To be precised to make him realise what he did was a sin), that eventually leads to his changed perception and now he considers himself a criminal and gets punished for his sins, on the other hand a man who is nice to everyone, polite, a true gentleman, a theist.Once he had to tell a lie to save his friend from a problem,but before this he never spoke a lie,He developed a guilt that his GOD(subconscious) is going to punish him.He became ill and lost interest in everything.Our GOD is an image of powerful creature in our conscious and subconscious mind which we've been told in our childhood and we've seen in our lives,And depending upon this image our life, our decision are influenced. So we should preserve an powerful yet incorruptible image of GOD to lead a happy life.
But this is not that simple our life is also influenced by thoughts of people in our surrounding. Now comes the most interesting question how?

Our thoughts have mass, and that mass is converted into energy as told by the great scientist Albert Einstein. Every thing we think is converted into energy and is released in the universe. 

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Javed said...

Brother, I see you actually have a deep insight into the topic which interests me the most..!!! Keep enlightening us through your writing and if life allows, through talks also..!!! I would be grateful.!

Jain vidhyarthi said...

it'd be my pleasure brother. And it's good to know that we've a common topic of interest.